vous êtes phobique des araignées? découvrez 6 façons d'éviter qu'elles ne s'installent chez vous et de garder votre maison à l'abri de ces petites intruses.

Spider phobic? 6 ways to prevent them from taking up residence in your home

ByByVirginie Boisclair15 Apr 2024

There is an almost universal fear of spiders, eight-legged creatures often seen as sinister. If you are among those who…

5000 ans de savoir chinois révélés : Comment les anciennes civilisations combattaient les nuisibles?

5000 years of Chinese knowledge revealed: How did ancient civilizations fight pests?

ByByVirginie Boisclair15 Apr 2024

There Ancient China is a vast empire of knowledge and traditions that has spanned the millennia. Among these treasures of…

Bombe à retardement! Découvrez comment ces 5 erreurs courantes attirent les nuisibles chez vous

Time bomb! Find out how these 5 common mistakes attract pests to your home

ByByVirginie Boisclair11 Apr 2024

Ah, the pests! These sneaky little invaders who seem to appear out of nowhere to make themselves comfortable in our…

Peur d'être envahi par les punaises de lit ? Voici 5 gestes à adopter d'urgence !

Afraid of being invaded by bedbugs? Here are 5 actions to adopt urgently!

ByByVirginie Boisclair5 Apr 2024

Ah, city life! Its lights, its excitement… and its little unwanted visitors. Among them, bedbugs are real nightmares for anyone…

Le règne des cafards est terminé : découvrez ces astuces simples et puissantes pour les éradiquer !

The reign of cockroaches is over: discover these simple and powerful tips to eradicate them!

ByByVirginie Boisclair1 Apr 2024

Ah, the cockroaches! These stubborn little invaders that seem to have the ability to survive almost anything. But don’t worry,…

Les 7 signes d'une invasion de punaises de lit que vous ignorez probablement

7 Signs of a Bedbug Invasion You Probably Didn’t Know

ByParVirginie Boisclair15 Apr 2024

Bedbugs invite themselves into our rooms without warning. Do you think you’re safe? Think again! These cunning insects know how…

Effrayant ! Ces nuisibles que vous pensiez inoffensifs et qui peuvent vous rendre malade

Scary ! These pests you thought were harmless but can make you sick

ByParVirginie Boisclair11 Apr 2024

Between barbecues with neighbors and football games in the garden, you might think that living in a house with a…

Les entendez-vous quand vous dormez ? Ces petites bestioles qui prennent possession de votre logement la nuit !

Do you hear them when you sleep? These little critters that take over your home at night!

ByParVirginie Boisclair30 Mar 2024

Ah, the night, this moment of calm and rest… at least in appearance. Because while you sleep peacefully, an army…

découvrez quels sont ces nuisibles qui se multiplient dans votre cuisine et menacent vos provisions !

These pests that love to proliferate in your kitchen and attack your groceries!

ByParVirginie Boisclair28 Mar 2024

The kitchen, this place of conviviality and indulgence where we like to come together to concoct delicious dishes. But did…