Save your clothes: the ultimate guide to getting rid of moths safely!

Sauvez vos vêtements : le guide ultime pour se débarrasser des mites en toute sécurité !
© Loconet

There’s nothing more frustrating than discovering a hole in your favorite sweater or a stain on your evening dress. Moths, these unwanted little creatures, can cause considerable damage to your clothes and plants. But don’t worry, there are solutions to eliminate these pests safely. Here is the ultimate guide to getting rid of moths! Moths … Lire plus

Dead animals in your garden: how to remove them safely?

découvrez comment éliminer en toute sécurité les animaux morts de votre jardin grâce à nos conseils pratiques et efficaces.

Ah, country life! A haven of peace, a privileged contact with nature… until we discovered a small, unexpected and unfortunately deceased visitor in our garden. So what should we do to remove this dead animal without risk? Here are some tips for handling this delicate situation with care and respect for the environment. Assess the … Lire plus

Bees, hornets, wasps: who to call in case of a nest?

besoin d'enlever un nid d'abeilles, de frelons ou de guêpes ? découvrez qui contacter en cas d'infestation et comment vous en protéger.

When the incessant buzzing is heard and you discover a nest of bees, hornets or wasps near your home, the question of who to call to get rid of them becomes urgent. These flying insects, although useful for the ecosystem, can represent a danger for allergy sufferers and disrupt the tranquility of your home. So, … Lire plus